Monday, February 15, 2016

Relief Society Lesson, Sunday, February 14, 2016

Today's lesson was Lesson #3: Adversity--Part of God's Plan for Our Eternal Progress from the President Howard W. Hunter manual. The lessons was taught by Lindsie Mendenhall.

Lindsie had the class split into 5 different groups. Each group was assigned a section from the lesson and asked to read it then discuss the answers to questions that Lindsie gave each group. Below are the questions the different groups were asked to consider. Take a moment to read each section (click on the lesson title above to be redirected to lesson) and reflect on what your answers to these questions would be. If you would like to share some of your thoughts and feelings, please do not hesitate to comment below. We would love to hear from you!

Theme: “When [the difficulties of mortality] humble us and refine us and teach us and bless us, they can be powerful instruments in the hands of God to make us better people.”
  • How can it help us to know that adversity is part of God's plan for our eternal progress? Why do you think adversity is a necessary part of mortality?

  • Review President Hunter's teachings in section 2 about some of the purposes of adversity. How have you seen that adversity can we come to see adversity from Lord's eternal perspective?

  • Why, as President Hunter teaches, do we have reason to be happy and optimistic even in times of difficulty? How can we develop greater optimism during such times? What are some blessings we continue to have even during the most severe adversity?

  • How do we accept the Savior's invitation to let him carry our burdens and lighten our loads? What does it mean to take His yoke upon us? How has the Savior helped you in times of difficulty?

  • President Hunter teaches that feelings of fear about the tribulations of the last days do not come from God. How is living by fear harmful? How can we live with hope and faith rather than by fear? 

"Are we prepared to surrender to God's commandment? 

Are we prepared to achieve victory over our appetites? 

Are we prepared to obey righteous law?

If we can honestly answer yes to those questions, we can bid fear to depart from our lives. Surely the degree of fear in our hearts may well be measured by our preparation to live righteously- living in a way that should characterize every Latter-day- Saint in every age and time." (President Howard W. Hunter)