Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Safeguarding Our Homes Against Pornography, May 31, 2015

On Sunday, the bishop held a combined meeting for the adults in the ward. The topic of the meeting was how to safeguard our families and homes against the increasing tide of pornography flooding our world. We invite you to prayerfully read the information that was shared and consider spending some time exploring the resources that were given. Every one of us, no matter what stage of life we are in, have a responsibility to be diligent in fortifying and protecting not only ourselves but those within our sphere of influence. This is an epidemic that reaches across boundaries and can have a devastating consequence for any individual or family.

Bishop Franson invited Becky and Rich Larson to begin the meeting by sharing some spiritual insights and practical resources to consider as we continue the task of protecting our families and homes from the reaches of pornography. The following is a summary of the things they shared.

Read Alma 50:1-7. As you read these verses, ask yourself what Moroni did to prepare his people to protect themselves against the attacks of the Lamanites.

Moroni actively and continually fortified his people against the Lamanites. Multiple types of protection were built and implemented so that the people could replace their fear with faith as they prepared to battle their formidable enemy.

How does this apply to our lives now? Our homes should be strongholds against temptation...but this does not happen without active, thoughtful preparation and ongoing work on our part.

Placing filters on ALL our electronic devices is the first (although should not be our only) line of defense. Remember that laptops, phones, Kindles, iPods, etc. are not only easily accessible to children of all ages but can easily be carried to private places. Make sure all your electronic devices are safeguarded with filters but also consider implementing a family rule that they can ONLY be used in "public places".

We can NOT afford to stay silent regarding the increasing amount and different types of pornography that are allowed. Our voices are important in the world as we stand as witnesses of Christ at all times, in all things, and in all places. Become involved however you can. The following handout was given out by the Larson's. It includes a variety of effective filters to safeguard electronic devices as well as different organizations, non-profits, etc. that provide valuable information and can assist you in looking for ways to make your voice heard in the fight against pornography.

Internet Filters

Net Nanny                                                       www.netnanny.com
K-9 Web Protection                                        www.k9webprotection.com
Accountability Soft                                         www.accountabilitysoft.com
Magic Block                                                    www.magicblock.com
PYUR                                                              www.pyurweb.com
Family-Guard                                                  www.familyguardfiltering.com
Browse Control                                                www.browsecontrol.com
Norton Family                                                  family.norton.com
American Family Online                                  www.afo.net
Trend Micro                                                      www.trendmicro.com
OpenDNS Family Shield                                  www.opendns.com/home-internet-security
OpenDNS Home (for router)                            www.opendns.com/home-internet-security

Reviews & Helps

Book:  “Good Pictures, Bad Pictures” by Kristen Jenson

Other Ideas

Five Reasons Why Kids Are Safer if PARENTS Initiate a Talk about Pornography
1.       Parents can be the best source of information
2.       Parents can create an environment of safety
3.       Parents can assure kids that their curiosity is normal, but warn them that following their curiosity about pornography is dangerous and can lead to addiction
4.       Parents can lessen the shame and shock associated with pornography exposure
5.       Parents can increase the trust in relationship with kids through communication

Summertime can be a dangerous time for kids who have more unsupervised time and easy access to the Internet

Communication counters curiosity

Bishop Franson showed the following video from lds. org:


What can we learn from this young woman's courageous story? People of all genders, ages, and faiths are currently drowning in the debilitating effects of pornography addiction. Elizabeth’s personal experience is a reminder that no matter how lost in darkness one feels, hope and light are available to anyone who chooses to believe in Jesus Christ.

"Addiction knows no bounds...but Christ's grace and atonement also knows no bounds..."

An important discussion was held regarding other strategies that we can employ within our families to help combat the influence of pornography. The following ideas were shared:

What Parents Can Do:
Regular communication
                Create an environment where you can discuss these topics
Allow them to share without shame as a motivator
Prepare for the possibility of the topic
And then, respond with love
Hope and encouragement
Prepare kids, strategy for response, start young
Know your children, watch for signs
Provide resources for help/info
Help to learn what’s inappropriate (may not be limited to adult content)
Educate self on reality
Resources on lds.org, etc.
Best results when parents involved

One of the most important aspects of this problem is recognizing the crucial, critical role parents play in being involved. The chances of an individual improving and recovering from a pornography addiction are significantly improved with parents are involved. 

We must also work toward having our children develop their own internal compass/motivation to avoiding pornography. Unfortunately in these latter days, it is not a matter of "IF" your child will be exposed in some way to pornography, but "WHEN". But just as Moroni helped his people replace their fear with faith through fortifications and preparation, we can do the same in our fight against pornography. The Lord is on our side. We can proceed with faith and KNOW with certainty that in the end, we will be victorious in this battle. 

The bishop has asked us to share the following resources. Please take the time to look at these and consider how you can use them in your family to initiate discussion, continue the important discussion, and seek for help if needed. You are not alone!

Lds.org Links:
General Reference
How to Respond
References for Spouses and Families
Family Conversation Videos
Parent's Guide to Talking With Kids

Other References:

1 comment:

  1. Thank you to the Larsons and to Bishop Franson for sharing this information and for leading the discussion on Sunday. Also, thank you to all who shared thoughts and ideas. It was a great discussion. I loved the comparison to the account of Captain Moroni from the Book of Mormon and the reminder of the need to fortify our homes and families against the temptations of Satan. As I listened on Sunday, I was reminded that the suggestions that were given will help to strengthen and protect our families against not only pornography, but also against many of the other evils facing our families today. Temptations of all kinds will attack our families when we least expect it. We need to be prepared at all times to deal with those attacks and also be prepared to help family members when they do fall short and make a mistake.

    I came across another resource yesterday to help parents and families in the fight against pornography. BYU Magazine recently published an article on pornography called "Arm Your Kids for the Battle." The web address is http://magazine-dev.byu.edu/arm-your-kids-for-the-battle/.
