Sunday, January 24, 2016

Relief Society Lesson, January 24, 2016

Shipshape and Bristol Fashion: Be Temple Worthy--in Good Times and Bad Times

by Elder Quentin L. Cook
Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

Today's lesson was taught by Amy Groves.
(The quotes listed below are directly from Elder Cook's talk which can be accessed by clicking the link above. "Comments made" were those thoughts offered by different sisters in class.)

What does it mean to be "shipshape and bristol fashion"?

Quote: When I was a young missionary assigned to the British Mission, my first area of labor was in what was then the Bristol District. One of the local Church leaders emphasized that missionaries serving in that area needed to be “shipshape and Bristol fashion.” 
Initially I didn’t understand the point he was making. I soon learned the history and meaning of the nautical phrase “shipshape and Bristol fashion.” At one time Bristol was the second busiest port in the United Kingdom. It had a very high tidal range of 43 feet (13 m), the second highest in the world. At low tide when the water receded, the old ships would hit bottom and fall on their sides, and if the ships were not well built, they would be damaged. In addition, everything that was not carefully stowed away or tied down would be thrown in a chaotic fashion and ruined or spoiled.  After I understood what that phrase meant, it was clear that this leader was telling us that, as missionaries, we must be righteous, follow rules, and be prepared for difficult situations.
This same challenge is applicable to each of us. I would describe being “shipshape and Bristol fashion” as being temple worthy—in good times and in bad times.

We know one of the purposes of coming to earth is to be tried and tested although we never know when those trials may come or what we may be asked to face. Despite the uncertainties, we do know that righteous living and preparation can provide divine protection in any circumstance. "If we are prepared, we shall not fear".

What is the difference between being perfected through Christ's Atonement and perfectionism?

Comments Made:

  • One brings  hope and joy and the other brings despair and never measuring up.
  • Perfectionism often means wanting to control everything and always be in control versus allowing the Savior to be in control and trusting His wisdom and timing.
What do we know about Satan's plan?
Quote: The adversary has been successful in planting a great myth in the minds of many people. He and his emissaries declare that the real choice we have is between happiness and pleasure now in this life and happiness in a life to come (which the adversary asserts may not exist). This myth is a false choice, but it is very seductive.

Compare that to the Savior's beautiful plan for us.
Quote: The ultimate noble purpose of God’s plan of happiness is for righteous disciples and covenant families to be united in love, harmony, and peace in this life and attain celestial glory in the eternities with God the Father, our Creator; and His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, our Savior.

Take a few minutes to read the Sermon on the Mount found in Matthew 5 or 3 Nephi 12. What stands out to you about the importance of having a solid foundation and being built "within"?

Comments Made:
  • These are ACTION words. We are asked to be constantly seeking, growing, learning vs. the world who would have us believe it is "all about me". We cannot be complacent with the world or worldly things. We need to take action and prepare ourselves.
  • It is interesting to note that during this time period when Christ gave the Sermon on the Mount, the Jews performed very outward/physical religious observance but Christ is actually speaking about what is internal. We cannot judge what we see with our physical eyes. We must learn to see with our hearts. Look inward.
  • We are in the process of "becoming". It is a lifetime process, not a one time event. As long as we are on the right course, we are progressing and can be assured we are trying and doing our best.
  • Lots of the attributes described in these verses are those that we often develop as we are experiencing trials. With a change in attitude, we truly can come to see the blessings and opportunities that are presented to us in the form of trials and adversity. We must learn to see what the Lord is trying to teach us and help us become.
  • We become the light spoken of by Christ as we strive to do those things every day that invite that light into our lives.
  • The world tries to teach us it is all about "me". Christ is teaching us to focus outside ourselves and the joy found in serving others.
Quote: For many centuries the gospel of Jesus Christ has inspired beliefs and established standards of conduct as to what is righteous, desirable, and moral and results in happiness, felicity, and joy. However, the principles and basic morality the Savior taught are under serious attack in today’s world. Christianity is under attack. Many believe that what is moral has basically changed.

We live in difficult times. There is an increased tendency to “call evil good, and good evil.” A world that emphasizes self-aggrandizement and secularism is cause for great concern. One prominent writer, not of our faith, has put it this way: “Unfortunately I see little evidence that people are actually happier in the emerging dispensation, or that their children are better off, or that the cause of social justice is well-served, or that declining marriage rates and thinning family trees … promise anything save greater loneliness for the majority, and stagnation overall.”
Elder Cook discusses 3 things we can do to improve our preparation and ability to live righteously.
1) Righteous Self-Control and Conduct
Quote: ...“self-control is like a muscle: the more you use it, the stronger it gets. Avoiding something tempting once will help you develop the ability to resist other temptations in the future.”
A principle of eternal progression is that exercising self-control and living righteously strengthen our ability to resist temptation. This is true both in the spiritual realm and in temporal matters.

2) Honoring the Sabbath will increase righteousness and be a protection for the family.
Quote: In the last six months, a most remarkable change has occurred in the Church. This has been in the response of the members to renewed emphasis on the Sabbath by the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve and to President Russell M. Nelson’s challenge to make the Sabbath a delight.27 Many members understand that truly keeping the Sabbath day holy is a refuge from the storms of this life. It is also a sign of our devotion to our Father in Heaven and an increased understanding of the sacredness of sacrament meeting. Still, we have a long way to go, but we have a wonderful beginning. I challenge all of us to continue to embrace this counsel and improve our Sabbath worship.

3) Divine protections are provided when we are righteous.
Quote: My dear brothers and sisters, life is not easy, nor was it meant to be. It is a time of testing and trial. Like the old ships in Bristol Harbor, there will be times when the tide goes out and it seems as if everything in this world keeping us afloat disappears. We may hit the bottom and even be tipped over on our sides. Amid such trials, I promise you that living and maintaining temple-worthy lives will hold together all that really matters. The sweet blessings of peace, happiness, and joy, along with the blessings of eternal life and celestial glory with our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, will be realized.

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